Friday, June 28, 2013

The course it must take

I made this prison to be inescapable and dark.
Planning that her stay there would soon spark

The fire in her that would lead her to agree
The financial records she would let me see

Once the fire started it took a wrong turn
She tired of her life and I took the burn

Now she is taking a strong stand
Lines drawn in my hearts sand

Never more will she see
Fear and pain by me

Freedom for her
Without me sure

Sit waited
Till sated



  1. If you don't mind me asking, tell me what causes you to write?
    Your writing is beautiful, i cannot help thinking that the cause must be the same.

  2. Anjana,
    I met my wife 27 years ago. We have been married almost 23 years in September. I have not shown her the love I have for her in my heart for many years now because of something that she did 17 years ago. Now she is leaving me. We have 3 children that we now have to divide between us. I did this to our family because of ego, pride, sand arrogance. My sin is my curse. That is where I am getting my inspiration. I pray daily that God will bring her back to me but I first must let her go.
