Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hey everyone!
Thought I would switch the brain over from words to images for a little while.
Got to thinking about ZOMBIES after watching the trailer for the new Brad Pitt movie WWZ!
Hmmmm, I said, are zombies cool?
Well,,,,,YES! They are cool!
But WHY are they cool?
Hmmmmmm....they never say anything stupid!
Kinda like The Fonz (Older people will get it...younger ones will have to Youtube it)
They never drive like idiots!
They never use foul words!
They never worry about what they will wear to dinner!
They never worry about their hair!
They never ask to borrow money!
They ALWAYS leave the toilet seat up...or down...depending on how it was when they got there.
They never leave dishes or clothes laying around for others to pick up!
They never leave the gas tank empty!
They never use the wrong fork in a formal setting!
They will NOT do the YMCA dance no matter HOW many times you play it!
They will not butt into your conversation!
They wont try to get into your girls pants....just her mind!
The list could go on forever!
So if you, like me, like Zombies cause they RULE then check out my Zombie Nation stuff at cafepress!
I just sat down and threw the designs together!
Kind neat looking stuff for the Zombie lover in you!
If you have ever driven by an ODOT (Ohio Dep of transportation) job and seen the 3 guys pointing into a hole that one guys is digging then you will love these Tee's. I changed ODOT to ODOZ or Ohio Dept of Zombies. Watching Zombies work on the highways would be about what we get now only a tiny bit slower!
Zombie University were the dead learn? Anyway, the logo is cool and the stuff rules so check it out and party till you drool! Ewww
After the FBI came the FBZ....they are interested in your mind at all times!
Alcohol, Zombies and Firearms! Now there is a great combo for a Sat night in Georgia! Who's bringing the chips and suds?
For those involved in law enforcement I give you the Fraternal Order of Zombies! When the police start to worry more about whats in your head than in your pocket its time to bar the shelter doors till the radiation drop to safer levels!
And the orginal idea! Zombie Nation stuff! Cool logo and even cooler stuff!

Thanks for putting up with my little info-mmercial! Just trying to drum up some fast food and movie money!


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