Thursday, August 22, 2013

CAN GOD heal a marriage?

Aug 22, 2013

Will God heal a marriage? 

According to Biblical text he will.
“Whatever you ask for, thru Jesus Christ, God will do” is the most often Bible quote I have seen on the subject of can God do something.

Many a learned Biblical student has told me that verse is great BUT it does NOT discount HER free will to make up her mind to leave.
So where does that leave the Bible verse? 

Watered down, limp, shallow, weak! Is God bound to just sit back and wait for everyone to get close to him before he can get close to them?

What is He? A trap God….If ONLY he/she would get just a LITTLE closer I could GRAB them! I can’t image God saying “well, I WOULD have given him his hearts desire for a saved marriage BUT SHE would not listen to me when I pleaded with her to give him another chance Boo Hoo Hoo”!
That does NOT sound like the all powerful God that controls matter, time, and space with mere thoughts!

Is God SOOO weak that a pouting, angry, hurting, self distancing, backsliding Christian that will not listen to his voice, ignores his warnings, does not seeks his guidance and shuts his words out can stifle HIS will and plans?

Hmmmm, that thinking would render pathetic the bible verse that says “that NOTHING can stop God from performing his will!”

So WHAT does God think about Divorce?

Well we KNOW he HATES divorce!
Bible states it. I believe it! That settles it!

Marriage is the earthly image of Jesus and the Church!
Satan HATES anything that glorifies Jesus and the Church! Satan love divorce. Satan hates marriage under God. He hates it, I love it! That settles it!

God invented marriage right from the start!
Right after he called all things very good...BEFORE evil there was the marriage! So God created it in the absence of evil? It could NOT have existed in His presents at that time had there been any shadow of a sin in it! It was perfect! He took from Adam and made Eve. He took one being and made 2. After sin this was reversed, 2 NOW became one. So God made it first, before sin, then after sin he preserved it as a union. He must have REALLY liked it to keep it after the fall! Divorce is only mentioned with sin. Divorce is NEVER mentioned with blessings.

Marriage brings God glory thru children!
It is pointed out time and again in scriptures that Children are a blessing, glory, and honor. Well the devil doesn’t bless, glory or honor anything! So God must endorse marriage!

God will not bless unforgiveness!
Divorce is the ULTIMATE unforgiveness! Jesus forgave those that stripped the flesh off his bones, beat him, mocked him, spit in his face, drove spikes into his hands and feet and hung him on a cross to die in agony! What were some of his LAST words? "Forgiven them Father"!
IF we are to follow Jesus and his example then we MUST to be able to forgive anyone. This is critical for marriage! Two flawed sinners living together 24/7 are GOING to make mistakes! They are going to do it and not even realize it, maybe for years! But there MUST be forgiveness!
Let’s not let satan twist Gods forgiveness thru Jesus. Let’s say that Jesus forgave John for cussing and claiming to not know him BUT would not let John come around him anymore because of it? Is that TRUE forgiveness?
What if one of the soldiers that beat, abuse and killed Jesus repented and asked Jesus into his heart years after Jesus’ death? When the murder got to heaven would Jesus yell at him from a distance "Glad you made it, stay away from me"! No, Jesus was a forgive, forget, come over her and lets hug kind of guy? He would NEVER leave a repented, sanctified, forgiven sinner alone. No, he would have gone to them, hugged them, held their hand, inviting them to become intimate with him again. Since divorce is unforgiveness then we know that God is not in it.

So there it is! 
YES God will heal a marriage!
If ONE of you is praying that God will heal the marriage thru faith then God WILL heal the marriage IN faith!
Just keep reminding yourself that it HAS to be done in HIS time and on HIS terms, not yours!
Don’t be fooled into thinking that God is going to run up, smack them up side the head with the fools mallet and tell them to run back to you. It’s going to take HIS time and in that time your faith WILL be tested, your strength WILL fail, your heart WILL break, your mind WILL leave you tired and spent BUT…….BUT the work is ALREADY done thru Jesus!
They prayed it.
You believed it.
Jesus heard it.
God did it!

Simple Prayer:

Father in heaven, maker of all creation. 
Thank you for your only son, Jesus Christ and he death, burial, and resurrection. Thanks you for taking my sins away for all time!
Thank you Jesus for your willingness to die for ALL our sins! 

Lord please hear my cry and heal my marriage! My faith is weak and I doubt. 
Please God, make my faith STRONG, and remove my doubt! 
Give me JOY in knowing that you are not sitting idle waiting on our next moves! You are moving in our hearts and minds to heal the pains, bind the wounds, and soften the hearts! Your plan is in motion as we speak! Every minute that passes is one less minute we have to wait for our reunion! Every day brings us one day closer to our rebirth as a strong, mature, faithful couple.

Lord, pour your love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and peace into BOTH our hearts and souls! Give us pause in all we are doing to stop and first ask for YOUR guidance, YOUR will, YOUR voice! 

Lord, I PRAY for this marriage to be saved! This prayer IS inline with YOUR written word and holy will! 

Lord give me the heart of Jesus to model perfect peace, joy and confidence that you have ALREADY heard my cry, seen my tears, pulled me close, taken my burden, broken my yoke, loosed my chains, cut my ropes, softened her heart, healed her wounds, lifted our eyes, united our spirits, re-joined our hearts AND SAVED MY MARRIAGE!

Lord the hard work is already done, please give me the patience to sit by the door and watch the road with peace, love, and joy knowing that any second the prodigal spouse will loom small on the horizon as she follows the road YOU have laid before her back to me.
Then my feet will take wing as I run with all my might, heart pumping, tears flowing, arms wide, and voice shouting Glory to God in the highest! Nothing is impossible with God and Jesus!
And then I will wrap her in my arms and pour my love out over her in waves of tearful joy. Savoring the words she whispers that I so longed to hear…. “I love you, I love you, I love you!”
Where she has distrust give trust. 
Where she has pain give her peace. 
Where she is wounded heal her.
Where she has lost her faith show her faithfulness.
Where she desires love pour your heart out on her.
Where she desires freedom show her the true freedom that only YOU can give.
Where she longs for hope give her YOUR spirit.
Where she seeks to hide form you give her your light.

It is settled! GOD WILL save your marriage BUT only AFTER YOU get right with him! Get yourself into the Bible, a Church, prayer, and Jesus.

Let GOD worry, fret, cry, fear, rage, quake, and fatigue at the process of healing! I know he does not do ANY of those because HE is GOD and he has already established that HIS will be done in the area of marriage. He fears nothing because everything does as he commands!

Simple truth!!!
He PUT the desire to WANT to work it out in YOUR heart!
You PRAY that GOD will diligently work to save it!
Let HIM put the desire in the wayward spouse’s heart to work it out, just like he did YOURS!
YOU BELIEVE He will get it done.
YOU TRUST He will get it done.
YOU WAIT for Him to get it done.
YOU REJOICE RIGHT NOW that He has ALREADY healed your marriage in the future and it will be done!

It is SOOOO important that YOU not give in and give up! At YOUR darkest hour is when you need the most LIGHT and Jesus is the LIGHT of the world. Hold on and pray thru! Years may have to pass before Gods plan is fulfilled. Remember, About the time you give up or give in God will be ready to step up and step in! 

If you can wait it out it will be more wonderful than you ever dreamed it COULD be!

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